More Carbs

Here’s Our List of Even MORE CARBOHYDRATE Foods That Are Actually Good for Your Body!

Ok, here’s some truth… All carbohydrates are NOT bad for you. If you fuel up on the right kind of carbs, you won’t believe the positive effects it’ll have on your body. In an earlier article we listed 5 carb foods that are really good for you: 2% Plain Greek Yogurt, Whole Grain Cereal, Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Chick Peas, and Popcorn. These complex carbs are excellent as they help the central nervous system, as well as the brain, and our gut bacteria.

But hey, we’ve now got a great little list of 4 more foods with carbohydrates that are actually really good for your body’s health. So here they are along why we recommend them…


Pizza – What, are you kidding? Nope! We’re recommending pizza that’s still tasty as all heck but modified just a bit, so it falls into the “good for you” category. First off, a gluten free or whole grain thin crust is recommended. You can top it with plenty of tomato or pesto sauce, go a bit lighter on the mozzarella, but load it up with grilled chicken and plenty of tasty veggies. Then top it with a little grated parm cheese and you’ve got a deliciously healthy meal!

Quinoa – This is a delicious super food that’s high in nutrients with a nutty flavor and a nice and crunchy texture. It’s extremely low in sugar, with a good amount of fiber and protein along with a low glycemic index score. It’s also got a nice amount of fiber and protein and is really low in fat. And it gets even better as it’s just loaded with vitamins and minerals like manganese, copper, folate which is an essential B vitamin, iron, magnesium, and zinc! Go online and look for the countless recipes that use this tasty superfood.

Carrots on top of peeled carrots

Carrots – This is yet another superfood that can be used so many ways whether eaten raw or cooked. Roast or bake them or eat them how you like as they’re not only naturally sweet and delicious, but they are also just chock full of fiber and immune rich beta carotene. And while they carry an abundance of antioxidants, they’re known for being really good for your eyes. Loaded with beta-carotene, it turns to vitamin A in your body which works to protect your eye’s health.

Black Beans – Yeah, they’re delicious in so many different foods, but the health benefits are off the charts. It’s a tremendous source of fiber and protein which can really help you build your muscles. Just 1 cup has 9 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein which is pretty tremendous. And even more impressive, a study has shown that having four weekly servings of beans actually worked to accelerate weight loss! Also loaded with B vitamins and copper, they’re so good for you and of course they taste amazing too!

Black beans in a bowl

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